Home Health & FitnessRecipe 15 Shocking Foods From Around The World We Dare You to Try

15 Shocking Foods From Around The World We Dare You to Try

by Md Miraj Amin
15 Shocking Foods From Around The World We Dare You to Try
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15 Shocking Foods From Around The World We Dare You to Try

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Are you ready for a culinary adventure like no other? Get ready to venture into the world of shocking and unusual foods that will push your taste buds to their limits. In this article, we bring you 15 shocking foods from around the world that we dare you to try.

From delicacies that might make you wrinkle your nose to bizarre dishes that will have you questioning your taste in food, we’ve scoured the globe to find the most unusual culinary offerings. From fried tarantulas in Cambodia to fermented shark meat in Iceland, these dishes are not for the faint of heart.

But why stop at the ordinary when you can explore the extraordinary? Dare to go beyond your comfort zone and expand your culinary horizons with these shocking foods. Whether you’re an adventurous eater looking for a new challenge or simply curious about the strange foods people consume, this article promises to take you on a thrilling gastronomic journey.

Get ready to be amazed, disgusted, and maybe even inspired by these 15 shocking foods from around the world. Are you brave enough to take a bite? Let’s find out.

Asian delicacies: Balut, Durian, and Stinky Tofu


One of the most infamous dishes in the Philippines, balut is not for the faint of heart. This delicacy consists of fertilized duck eggs that are boiled and then eaten with a sprinkle of salt and a dash of vinegar. As you crack open the shell, you’ll find a partially developed duck embryo inside, complete with feathers, beak, and bones. It’s a unique texture and taste experience that is not for everyone, but for those who are brave enough to try it, it can be a surprisingly delicious treat. Balut is often enjoyed as a street food snack or as a special dish during festive occasions.


Known as the “king of fruits” in Southeast Asia, durian is a divisive fruit that elicits strong reactions from people. Its strong smell, often described as a mix of rotten onions and gym socks, has even led to it being banned in some public spaces. However, for those who can overcome the smell, the creamy, custard-like flesh of the durian is a unique and rich taste experience. With its sweet and savory flavor profile, durian is often used in a variety of desserts and is a must-try for adventurous food lovers.

Stinky Tofu

Hailing from Taiwan, stinky tofu lives up to its name. This fermented tofu dish is known for its pungent odor, which can be off-putting to those who are not familiar with it. The tofu is typically deep-fried until crispy on the outside, and the fermentation process gives it a distinctively strong smell. However, once you get past the initial aroma, stinky tofu offers a complex and flavorful taste that is loved by many. It’s often served with a spicy sauce or as a topping in hot pot dishes.

South American specialties: Guinea Pig, Cuy, and Surströmming

Guinea Pig

In South America, particularly in countries like Peru and Ecuador, guinea pig, also known as cuy, is a traditional delicacy. These furry little creatures are often roasted whole and served with potatoes and vegetables. While the thought of eating a pet might be shocking to some, guinea pig meat is lean and flavorful, with a taste that is similar to rabbit or dark chicken meat. It’s considered a delicacy and is often reserved for special occasions or festivals.


If you’re looking for a truly unique and pungent experience, look no further than surströmming. This Swedish delicacy consists of fermented Baltic herring that is canned and left to ferment for several months. The result is a dish with an incredibly strong smell that has been compared to rotten eggs and garbage. Despite its odor, surströmming is enjoyed by many Swedes, who eat it with thin bread, potatoes, and onions. The taste is described as salty and tangy, with a distinct umami flavor.

European oddities: Haggis, Black Pudding, and Escamoles


Haggis is a traditional Scottish dish that might sound shocking to some. It is made by stuffing a sheep’s stomach with a mixture of minced sheep’s heart, liver, and lungs, combined with oatmeal, onions, and spices. The mixture is then boiled and served with neeps and tatties (turnips and potatoes). Despite its unusual ingredients, haggis has a rich, savory flavor that is beloved by many Scots. It’s often enjoyed as part of a traditional Burns Supper or as a hearty meal on its own.

Black Pudding

Black pudding, also known as blood sausage, is a delicacy that can be found in various European countries, including the UK, Ireland, and Spain. It is made by combining pig’s blood with fat and oatmeal or barley, then seasoned with spices such as pepper and nutmeg. The mixture is stuffed into a casing and typically fried or grilled before being served. Despite its dark color and somewhat intimidating appearance, black pudding has a unique and robust flavor that pairs well with breakfast dishes or as a component in a hearty meal.


Escamoles, also known as ant eggs, are a delicacy in Mexico. These tiny white eggs are harvested from the nests of black ants and are often described as having a buttery and nutty flavor. They are typically sautéed with butter, garlic, and sometimes chili peppers, and are often enjoyed as a filling for tacos or as a topping for other dishes. While the thought of eating ant eggs might be shocking to some, escamoles are highly prized in Mexican cuisine and are considered a gourmet ingredient.

African surprises: Fried Termites, Mopane Worms, and Casu Marzu

Fried Termites

In many African countries, termites are not seen as pests but as a valuable food source. Fried termites are a common snack in countries like Zambia, Zimbabwe, and South Africa. The termites are collected, wings and legs are removed, and then they are fried until crispy. They are often enjoyed as a crunchy and protein-rich snack, with a taste that is similar to nuts or popcorn. Fried termites are not only a tasty treat but also a sustainable and environmentally friendly food source.

Mopane Worms

Mopane worms, also known as mopani or mopane caterpillars, are a popular food in Southern Africa. These large caterpillars are dried, smoked, or fried before being consumed. They have a unique texture that is chewy and meaty, and are often enjoyed as a snack or added to stews and soups for extra flavor and protein. Mopane worms are not only a traditional delicacy but also a valuable source of nutrition for many communities in the region.

Casu Marzu

Casu marzu, also known as “maggot cheese,” is a traditional cheese from Sardinia, Italy. It is made from sheep’s milk and is left to ferment with the help of live cheese fly larvae. The larvae break down the cheese, creating a soft, creamy texture. The shocking part? The cheese is still consumed while the larvae are alive and wriggling. It is often enjoyed spread on bread or crackers, and despite its unique production process, casu marzu has a tangy and intense flavor that cheese enthusiasts might find intriguing.

Oceanic delights: Vegemite, Lutefisk, and Hakarl


Vegemite is an iconic Australian spread made from leftover brewer’s yeast extract. It has a dark brown color and a salty, slightly bitter taste that is an acquired taste. Australians love to spread it thinly on toast or crackers, and it’s often enjoyed as a savory breakfast option. While some may find Vegemite shocking due to its strong flavor, it holds a special place in Australian culture and is a staple in many households.


Lutefisk is a traditional dish from Norway and Sweden that might be considered shocking to those not familiar with it. It is made by soaking dried whitefish in water and lye for several days, which causes the fish to swell and become gelatinous. The fish is then rinsed and boiled before being served with potatoes, peas, and other accompaniments. Lutefisk has a unique texture that is jelly-like and a mild, delicate flavor. It is often enjoyed as a festive dish during the Christmas season.


Hakarl, also known as fermented shark meat, is a traditional Icelandic dish that has a reputation for being one of the most challenging foods to try. The shark meat is cured and fermented for several months, which results in a strong ammonia smell and a pungent taste. It is often described as being similar to strong cheese or blue cheese. Hakarl is typically served in small cubes and is enjoyed as part of a traditional Icelandic feast. Despite its shocking aroma, hakarl is considered a delicacy and a symbol of Icelandic culinary heritage.

Cultural significance and traditions associated with these foods

Each of these shocking foods carries cultural significance and is often deeply rooted in traditions and customs. For example, balut is not only a popular dish in the Philippines but is also believed to have aphrodisiac properties and is often consumed during fertility rituals. In South America, guinea pig has been consumed for centuries and is considered a symbol of prosperity and good luck. These foods not only provide sustenance but also serve as a way to connect with cultural heritage and preserve culinary traditions.

Where to find and try these shocking foods

If you’re feeling adventurous and want to try these shocking foods for yourself, there are various places where you can find them. Many of these foods are popular street food items in their respective countries, while others can be found in specialty restaurants or markets. Traveling to the regions where these foods originate is the best way to experience them firsthand and immerse yourself in the local culture. However, some of these foods can also be found in certain international markets or online specialty food stores, allowing you to try them in the comfort of your own home.

Health benefits and nutritional value

While some of these shocking foods may not be for everyone, they do offer unique nutritional benefits. For example, durian is rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber, while also providing a good source of healthy fats. Mopane worms are high in protein, iron, and essential amino acids, making them a nutritious addition to the diet. It’s important to note that not all of these foods are suitable for everyone, and some may have specific dietary restrictions or potential health risks. If you’re considering trying any of these foods, it’s always best to consult with a healthcare professional or local expert to ensure your safety and well-being.

Conclusion: Dare to expand your culinary horizons

In a world full of diverse cultures and cuisines, it’s important to embrace the shock and awe that comes with trying new and unusual foods. These 15 shocking foods from around the world are a testament to the human ability to adapt and appreciate different flavors and textures. Whether you’re intrigued by the thought of eating fried termites or repulsed by the idea of consuming maggots, these foods offer a unique culinary experience that can broaden your horizons and challenge your preconceived notions about what is acceptable to eat. So, go ahead, be adventurous, and dare to try these shocking foods from around the world. Your taste buds will thank you for the adventure.

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